3336® F is a broad-spectrum fungicide with preventive and curative properties. Its systemic mode of action is particularly effective on a wide range of diseases in turf and ornamental settings.
Product Highlights
- Easy-to-use flowable formulation
- Full chemigation label
- Broad-spectrum disease control
- Tank-mix compatible with most commonly used pesticides
Use on all commercial, residential, public, and golf fine turf, including bentgrass, bluegrass, bermuda, fescue, ryegrass, St. Augustine, and/or zoysia
Effective on golf course greens, tees, fairways and aprons. Use includes annual and perennial flowers, bedding and foliage plants, deciduous and evergreens
3336® F may be used on all fine turf applications such as commercial, residential and public (such as home lawns, parks, athletic fields, schools, and day care centers), and golf courses (greens, tees, fairways and aprons) of cool- and warm-season grasses such as bentgrass, bluegrass, bermudagrass, fescue, ryegrass, St. Augustinegrass, zoysiagrass, or their mixtures. 3336 F is not phytotoxic to any of the above mentioned grasses when used in accordance with the label. It has both preventive and curative activity. Not for use on turf being grown for sale or other commercial use as sod.
Application Instructions
Apply material with properly calibrated hand held, mechanical or motorized spray equipment or by chemigation through appropriate sprinkler irrigation systems. Spray uniformly over the area to be treated. Apply recommended amounts in sufficient water to obtain thorough coverage of treatment area (2-4 gal per acre is suggested). When treating golf greens, always treat aprons. Use the highest recommended rate under conditions of severe disease pressure. For best results, apply after mowing or avoid mowing twelve hours after application. For root pathogens, lightly water the treatment area to move the fungicide into active root zone with one to two tenths inch of water. Excessive irrigation may move application below active root zone and reduce application effectiveness. Green design and drainage will influence irrigation practices. When tank mixing with contact action fungicides for foliar diseases, applications should be allowed to dry on leaf surfaces. Normal watering may proceed after sprays have dried.
Rates: Maximum Individual Application Rates
Residential or Public Areas……………………………………………………………….. 2.0 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Golf Course Tees, Greens, Aprons………………………………………………………. 6.0 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Golf Course Fairways (Except Florida) …………………………………………………. 4.0 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Golf Course Fairways (Florida Only)……………………………………………………. 2.0 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Resistance management
To avoid the development of tolerant strains of fungi, 3336 F should be used with fungicides of different modes of action. Consult your local Nufarm representative for proper disease identification and advice on the prompt use of other suitable fungicides or disease control strategies.
See label for complete directions for use.
EPA REG. NO.: 1001-69
ACTIVE INGR.: thiophanate-methyl (41.25%)
CHEM. FAMILY: benzimidiazole
SIGNAL WORD: caution
PACKAGE SIZE: 12 x 1 qt, 4 x 1 gal, 2 x 2.5 gal
Annual and perennial flowers
Athletic fields
Bedding and foliage plants
Cool- and warm-season turfgrass
Commercial Turf
Deciduous and evergreens
Golf Courses (greens, tees, fairways, aprons)
Residential turf
(See product label for complete list)
Anthracnose (basal, foliar)
Dollar spot
Fusarium blight/patch
Large brown patch
Pink snow mold
Powdery mildew
Red thread
Spring dead spot
Stripe smut
Summer patch
Zoysia patch